Wissenswertes zum
Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
The decidedly interphilological Department of Languages and Literary Studies (DSLW) of the University of Basel is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. It integrates the students, teaching staff, researchers as well as the technical and administrative staff of the following seminars and subject areas into one planning, budgetary and administrative unit:
The Organization of the Department in Brief
The organizational units of the department are, on the one hand, the Departmental Assembly (Departementsversammlung, DV) as the legislative body and, on the other hand, the Departmental Management (Departementsleitung, DL) as the executive body.
The Departmental Assembly is composed of representatives of the Groups I–V.
The Departmental Management consists of the head of the department, the vice head of the department and the managing director.
The department has an office at Nadelberg 4 (House B, 3rd floor, Office 330). The administration operates at three locations (Nadelberg 4, Nadelberg 6, Nadelberg 8, Maiengasse 51).
Department Regulations (German)
Interphilology and Multilingualism
The interdisciplinary network as well as the homogeneity of the subjects and courses of study in linguistics and literary studies at the University of Basel are unique.
The Department of Languages and Literatures coordinates all modern philologies and the language and literature courses offered by them, taking into account the multilingual nature of language and literature studies. The research interests are much influenced by the local variety of languages.
Interphilology is a firmly anchored part of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees. The programs include courses from the modern and classical philological disciplines represented in Basel and can be attended by students of all philological subjects and counted as interphilological credits for the respective subject studies.
In addition, interphilologically designed Master's programs are offered. These are the linguistic Master's Program Language and Communication (MSG Sprache und Kommunikation) and the Master's Program Literaturwissenschaft / Literary Studies / Etudes Littéraires. Analogously, at the doctoral level, the Doctoral Program in Linguistics (Hermann Paul School of Linguistics) and the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies are offered.