The Departmental Assembly (Departementsversammlung, DV) is the supreme body of the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies. It is composed of the holders of professorships and the elected representatives of the various Groups.


The following key is used to calculate the voting rights of the five Groups:

  • 60 percent: Group I (chairs, assistant professors with tenure track, SNSF-funded professors)
  • 10 percent: Group II (assistant professors without tenure track, university lecturers, adjunct professors, lecturers, lecturers (Privatdozenten), and academic staff with teaching duties)
  • 10 percent: Group III (doctoral and postdoctoral students of the University of Basel)
  • 10 percent: Group IV (scientific, technical and administrative staff without teaching duties)
  • 10 percent: Group V (students in BA and MA programs)

All members of the Department are free to attend the Departmental Assembly without voting rights.

Vacant seats (indicated below, if applicable): If an interested member of the corresponding Group reports to the Management during the current election period, he or she is considered elected by silent ballot and can directly take a seat in the Departemental Assembly. The expansion of the respective Group's representation will be communicated to the members of the Group by e-mail.

Head of Department

Next Meetings

  • Thu, March 31, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
  • Thu, April 21, 2022, 3:15 p.m. (contingency date)
  • Thu, May 19, 2022, 3:15 p.m.

The Current Representatives

Term: Fall Semester 2021 – Spring Semester 2023.

University of Basel
Department of Languages and Literatures
Nadelberg 4
4051 Basel

Phone: +41 61 207 27 77