
30 Apr 2019
13:00  - 14:00

Dept. of English, Nadelberg 6, room 13

Kolloquium / Seminar

The WordWeb Project: Intertextuality in Drama of the Early Modern Period

tba (Research Colloquium) with Dr. Regula Hohl Trillini (University of Basel)

The project WordWeb/IDEM is being funded by the SNF within the framework of "Digital Lives". The "lives" it proposes to investigate are those of catchphrases which recur in Renaissance drama. The acronym IDEM stands for Intertextuality in Drama of the Early Modern Period while WordWeb is the software which will allow us to map the complex verbal networks that link the collaborative and competitive canon of the London theatre scene around 1600. Such a mapping is urgently needed; while questions of authorship and collaboration are hotly debated, thousands of verbal parallels between Elizabethan and Jacobean plays are lost from view because they are only reported in hard-to-access footnotes, indexes and 19th-century (German) PhDs. WordWeb/IDEM will make a substantial amount of this extremely valuable, extremely specific data accessible, set it in context and offer visualization options for connections and influences visible that have remained invisible because of fragmented research. The presentation will discuss primary and secondary materials and the structure of the projected database.

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