
06 Sep 2024
11:00  - 12:00

Englisches Seminar, Grosser Hörsaal

Ina Habermann (Basel) & Elisabeth Dutton (Fribourg)

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Kongress / Tagung / Symposium, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

The Dutch Connection: the Dutch Republic as a cross-roads in Swiss-British relations

Conference keynote address by Dr Dirk van Miert (Huygens Instituut, Amsterdam)

After the beginning of the Dutch Revolt, the Northern low countries developed into an intellectual arena on a pair with Paris and London. Pushed by the first wave of Huguenot exiles, the Revolt took on a decidedly Calvinist outlook, although scholars were divided on the political consequences of this confessional outlook. It led to heated debates between scholarly theologians, who were informed by Swiss and British ideas and practices. This presentation focuses on the epistolary exchanges in the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss relations, adopting digital network analysis.

Dirk van Miert is director of the Huygens Institute for the History and Culture of the Netherlands and a researcher at Utrecht University. His fields of interest include northern humanism, the history of philology, universities and schools, Latin literature, student mobility, epistolary culture, and the history of the Respublica Literaria through conceptual history and digital network analysis. A recent article about Intellectual and Academic Networks 1450-1800 was published in Europäische Geschichte Online.

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