Events in linguistics usually take place within the framework of the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel-Freiburg (HPSL). Current offers can be found in the link box under'Linguistics events'

The HPSL is the joint linguistics doctoral school of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br. and the University of Basel. Its aim is to provide its members with graduate educations that are based on the highest international research, presentation and publication standards in order to prepare doctoral students and postdocs for the (academic) job market in the best possible way.

One of the school's central concerns is the integrative career advancements through the interlinking of Master's, doctorate and postdoc levels. Interested Master's students with good academic achievements can be invited to HPSL events and thus be introduced to the doctorate step by step during their studies. At the same time, we offer postdocs an associate membership as transition management , so that they retain a university affiliation on the one hand and are available to PhD students with their experience as a discussion partner on the other. The structured training is therefore based on the motto:

"Young scientists instead of old students!"

We welcome your interest in the numerous events offered by the HPSL (workshops, conferences, methods courses, writing meetings, etc.).

Detailed information on the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel-Freiburg can be found in the link box under'to the HPSL website'. There you will also find'Specific information on the doctorate in linguistics in Basel' and the contact details for the coordination. As an insight and inspiration, it is also worth taking a look at the variety of doctoral projects that are currently being supervised and worked on at the HPSL.

We also invite you to get in touch with the current PhD students in Basel listed below to get first-hand impressions:


current PhD students in linguistics in Basel