Open position: Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
The coordination position will become vacant at the end of March. We are looking for a successor from mid-March./ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Tim Hofmann veröffentlicht "Quadraturen des Staunens"
DPL-Absolvent Tim Hofmann veröffentlicht seine Monographie zu Episteme, Rhetorik und Performanz bei Ludwig Wittgenstein, die er im Rahmen des DPL als Dissertation geschrieben hat.Aktuelle und frühere DPL-Mitglieder publizieren zu Jean Pauls Theorie der Prosa
Gratulation an die DPL-Mitglieder Nicolas Fink und Emmanuel Heman, sowie den Absolvent:innen Jodok Trösch und Sina Dell'Anno zu ihrem gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Ralf Simon veröffentlichtem Buch!/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Micha Huff publishes "Thauma(u)topoiesis"
Congratulations to Micha Huff on the publication of his book written as part of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies: Thauma(u)topoiesis: Das Wunderbare und die narrative Refiguration im Roman (Wieland, Tieck, Goethe) (Brill-Verlag,…/ Research, Doctorate/PhD
Call: Start-up Grant (CHF 30K)
The Doctoral Program calls for applications for a one-year start-up grant./ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD
Four new books: Congratulations, Lucas Knierzinger, Daniel Lüthi, Thibault Martinetti, and Clea Wanner!
Four graduates of the Doctoral Program publish their works which they wrote at the University of Basel./ News, Studies, People
Looking Back: Beastly Writing: Animal Representations in Changing Literature
Sarah Bourdely Brämer and Michaela Frey look back on the pilot of a Bachelor's course on the literary representation of animals, which they led in the fall semester 2023./ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Jérôme Laubner appointed Maître de conférences at Montpellier, publishes "Vénus malade"
Dr. Jérôme Laubner has been appointed lecturer at the University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier in September 2023. His dissertation "Vénus malade", written when he was a member of the DPL, was published by Droz in November 2023.Sina Dell'Anno receives Faculty Prize
The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies is honored for her dissertation.Start-up Grants, CHF 30,000 each: Call for Applications
The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for two one-year start-up grants of CHF 30,000 start: 1 April 2024).Upcoming Events
Past Events
Digital Research in Old Norse Studies: Data Management and Infrastructure Needs
Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 001
Seminar für Iberoromanistik, Bony Flückiger
Cine y cultura peruana contemporánea
Maiengasse 51, Basel
Séminaire d’études françaises
Texte et musique : relations croisées
Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, Basel
Jewish Studies
Conference: Cultural Encounters between Israel and Germany: Literary Cross-Cultural Relations 1918-2022
English Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Basel
Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
DPL Spring Barbecue
Study and Networking Day 2022
Grösser Hörsaal, Nadelberg 6
English Seminar
Fantasy, Fiction, Faction, and Fascism: Sofie Sabbioni at the English Seminar
Nadelberg 6, Grosser Hörsaal
Doktoratsprogramm Literaturwissenschaft
Guest Lecture by Julie Napolin (New School)
Doctoral Program in Literary Studies | University of Basel | Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi | Nadelberg 6 | 4051 Basel,