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News and Events
/ News, Doctorate/PhD, Organizational Unit
New Coordinator: Tim Hofmann
Tim Hofmann takes over the coordination office on April 1, 2025./ News, Doctorate/PhD
Start-up Grant (CHF 30,000)
The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for a one-year start-up grant of CHF 30,000.
/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Tim Hofmann veröffentlicht "Quadraturen des Staunens"
DPL-Absolvent Tim Hofmann veröffentlicht seine Monographie zu Episteme, Rhetorik und Performanz bei Ludwig Wittgenstein, die er im Rahmen des DPL als Dissertation geschrieben hat.
Aktuelle und frühere DPL-Mitglieder publizieren zu Jean Pauls Theorie der Prosa
Gratulation an die DPL-Mitglieder Nicolas Fink und Emmanuel Heman, sowie den Absolvent:innen Jodok Trösch und Sina Dell'Anno zu ihrem gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Ralf Simon veröffentlichtem Buch!![[Translate to English:] Thauma(u)topoiesis](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/f/csm_thauma-u-topoiesis-taschenbuch-micha-huff_89c9065101.jpeg?1718459557)
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Micha Huff publishes "Thauma(u)topoiesis"
Congratulations to Micha Huff on the publication of his book written as part of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies: Thauma(u)topoiesis: Das Wunderbare und die narrative Refiguration im Roman (Wieland, Tieck, Goethe) (Brill-Verlag,…/ Research, Doctorate/PhD
Call: Start-up Grant (CHF 30K)
The Doctoral Program calls for applications for a one-year start-up grant.
/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD
Four new books: Congratulations, Lucas Knierzinger, Daniel Lüthi, Thibault Martinetti, and Clea Wanner!
Four graduates of the Doctoral Program publish their works which they wrote at the University of Basel.
/ News, Studies, People
Looking Back: Beastly Writing: Animal Representations in Changing Literature
Sarah Bourdely Brämer and Michaela Frey look back on the pilot of a Bachelor's course on the literary representation of animals, which they led in the fall semester 2023.
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Jérôme Laubner appointed Maître de conférences at Montpellier, publishes "Vénus malade"
Dr. Jérôme Laubner has been appointed lecturer at the University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier in September 2023. His dissertation "Vénus malade", written when he was a member of the DPL, was published by Droz in November 2023.Sina Dell'Anno receives Faculty Prize
The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies is honored for her dissertation.Upcoming Events
Past Events
Schloss Münchenwiler
Doktoratsprogramm Literaturwissenschaft
Retreat of the Doctoral Program
Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, 4051 Basel, Seminar room -201
The Virtual East: Eastern European Video Game Landscapes
Maiengasse 51, Raum 105
Französisches Seminar
International conference: Tasting Funny – Drôle de goût

Haus Cresta, Conters
Tammy Imboden
Writing Retreat in Prättigau

Study and Networking Day
Helsinki Klub, Zürich
Thomas Pynchon's music live

Alte Universität Basel (Rheinsprung), Hörsaal
Faking Sense of War: The Russian Digital Propaganda Strategy
End-of-year dinner
DPL Retreat: October 28/29, 2022
Doctoral Program in Literary Studies | University of Basel | Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi | Nadelberg 6 | 4051 Basel dpl.dslw.unibas.ch, dok-lit@clutterunibas.ch