Like the BA program, the subsequent MA program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences can either be pursued as two freely combined subjects that can be freely combined as one so-called degree program. In both cases, it is supplemented by the free electives.
The MA degree with combined subjects is composed of two subjects offered at the Faculty or one Faculty subject and one non-Faculty subject (see bottom of the page, Ausserfakultäre Master Studienfächer).
To obtain an MA degree, 120 credit points must be earned, 35 in each of the fields of study, 30 for the Master’s thesis, and another 20 in the free electives. In the degree program, 70–90 credit points must be earned in the modules, another 30 in the Master's thesis and 20 in the free electives.
Further information regarding admission and registration can be found here.
MA Subjects
The following information on the MA subjects is taken from the Faculty website and is only available in German. The links to the respective seminars and subject areas can be found here.
Documents and Guidelines
Dokumente & Merkblätter zum Masterstudium
- Masterordnung
- Studienvertrag Masterarbeit
- Anmeldung Masterprüfungen Studienfach
- Anmeldung Masterprüfungen Studiengang
- Merkblatt zur Masterarbeit
- Merkblatt zu den Masterprüfungen
- Erklärung zur wissenschaftlichen Redlichkeit (Masterarbeit)*
- Bestätigung: Abgabe der Masterarbeit*
- Antrag auf Masterabschluss (PDF, 300.95 KB)
- Merkblatt Masterabschluss
- Merkblatt Masterabschluss Sport mit Zweitfach Phil.-Hist.
- Merkblatt zum ausseruniversitären Zweitfach im Masterstudium

University of Basel
Student Administration of the Faculty Humanities and Social Sciences
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
Revision Master Framework (since FT 2019)
In the fall semester 2019, the Bachelor's and Master's Programs at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were newly regulated. The new framework regulations apply to all students as of the fall semester 2019, and those who were previously enrolled have also been transferred. The details of the changes and the consequences for your studies are listed in the information letter on the revision of the Master's framework regulations (in German).