Upcoming Events

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Past Events

19 May 2022
10:15  - 12:00

Vesalianum, Great Lecture Hall

Englisches Seminar, Uni Basel

Guest lecture / Talk

"Neo-Victorianism and Memories of Empire: Settler (Trans-)Migration between Romance and Contestation "

Dr. Silke Stroh, University of Münster
17 May 2022
13:00  - 14:00

Great Lecture Hall

Englisches Seminar, Uni Basel

Guest lecture / Talk

Remapping the outmoded in rural England, 1870-1995.

Thomas Manson, Universität Basel
13 May 2022

QuartierOase Bruderholz, Bruderholzallee 169, Eingang Gundeldingerrain

Public event

«Halbwahrheiten und Verschwörungstheorien»

12 May 2022
17:00  - 20:00

Kaisersaal Theater Fauteuil/Tabourettli, Spalenberg 12, 4051 Basel

GRACE Uni Basel

Public event, Other events

diss:kurs 2022

Basler Doktorierende und Postdocs verschiedener Fachbereiche präsentieren ihre spannenden Forschungsprojekte in Kurzvorträgen. Das Graduate Center lädt Sie herzlich zu dieser Veranstaltung mit anschliessendem Apéro riche ein.
11 May 2022

Online via Zoom

Englisches Seminar

Public event, Guest lecture / Talk

The role of learners' classroom emotions in Foreign language learning

Guest lecture Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele, Birkbeck, University of London
10 May 2022
14:15  - 16:00

Kollegienhaus, Raum 105


Public event, Guest lecture / Talk

"Au seuil du Parnasse: l’énigme dans l’Almanach des Muses "

CONFÉRENCE: Dr. Timothée Léchot (Université de Neuchâtel)
02 May 2022
09:30  - 17:00

Colloquium, Other events

Study and Networking Day 2022

The Study and Networking Day for the members of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies will take place again in presence after two years of online meetings
21 Apr 2022
10:15  - 12:00

Vesalianum, Great Lecture Hall

Englisches Seminar, Uni Basel

Guest lecture / Talk

A Night at the Theatre: Cultural Practices of Late 18th- and Early 19th-Century Melodrama

Dr. Christian Krug, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
20 Apr 2022

Online via Zoom

Englisches Seminar, Uni Basel

Guest lecture / Talk

Community Climate Conversations for Wellbeing, Resilience, Inspiration and Action

Dr. Sally Gillespie, Climate Psychology Alliance, unceded land of the Gadigal and Wangal people in Sydney
11 Apr 2022
16:15  - 17:45

Room 11, Englisches Seminar

Englisches Seminar, Uni Basel

Guest lecture / Talk

Invisible Architecture and the Nineteenth-Century City: Mobility, Concealment, Transparency

Dr. Ben Moore, University of Amsterdam