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Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies (DPL) at the University of Basel offers doctoral students in literary studies and related fields an intensively supervised, interphilological doctoral program. More
Selected courses enable students to look beyond their own discipline in order to discover common interests, broaden their professional horizons, and establish social contacts. These include recurring doctoral colloquia, study and networking days, and retreats. In addition, once a year, the doctoral program funds a Seminar in Cultural Practice, which provides insights into various aspects of the literary market. More
Start-Up Grants
Each year, the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies awards up to three one-year start-up grants. These allow promising young researchers to develop their dissertation project and apply for follow-up funding at appropriate places. More
Apply now
Interested? Learn more about the application process. More
Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi
University of Basel
English Department, Office 21a
Nadelberg 6
4051 Basel
E-mail: dok-lit@clutterunibas.ch
Start-up Grants, CHF 30,000 each: Call for Applications
The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for two one-year start-up grants of CHF 30,000 start: 1 April 2024).
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Jodok Trösch's "Wildes Übersetzen" published
Dr. Jodok Trösch develops a theory of wild translation and describes procedures of translation used as a generative mechanism to produce independent literary texts. "Wildes Übersetzen. Zu Theorie und Geschichte eines literarischen…Past events
Kollegienhaus, Aula 120
Entre lo Social y lo Digital
Université Rennes 2, salle recherche ALC, bâtiment B
Journée d'étude internationale : L'éclairage artificiel dans les arts et la littérature
Hotel Bad Murtensee
DPL Retreat

Tammy Imboden
Writing Retreat

Maiengasse 51, salle 105
Journée d'étude : Diversité et Multiplicité
Za Zaa
Summer aperitif
Regenzzimmer 111 / Seminarraum 106
Study and Networking Day
Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 001
Conversatorio: Retratos del Perú en la narrativa de Karina Pacheco

Symposium: Decolonial Imaginaries in Literary and Urban Studies
Englisches Seminar, Grosser Hörsaal, Nadelberg 6, Basel
Fremdmat Heimheit: Performance & Entretien
Doctoral Program in Literary Studies | University of Basel | Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi | Nadelberg 6 | 4051 Basel dpl.dslw.unibas.ch, dok-lit@clutterunibas.ch