Application for Admission to the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies

Anyone who is enrolled in a doctorate in literary studies at the University of Basel can apply for membership. If you are interested in a start-up grant, please visit this page.

Membership in the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies is not required to write a dissertation in literary studies at the University of Basel. Membership offers additional benefits, however, and also additional workload (see here).

Please submit the following documents collected in one PDF to Christian Hänggi,

1. An application (in German, French, or English) for admission with the following information, addressed to the steering committee:

  • Motivation for a doctorate at the University of Basel a statement of why you are suited for the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies (1 page)

  • University education (last degree: university, title, subject).

  • Doctoral subject

  • First supervisor of the dissertation at the University of Basel

  • Working title of the dissertation and short project description (1–2 pages)

2.Curriculum vitæ (with education, work experience, languages, publications)

3. Letter of recommendation from the first supervisor (German, French, or English)

4. Copy of the admission to the doctorate at the University of Basel (according to the Doctoral Regulations of 02.03.2017)

5. A Doctoral Agreement of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies signed by the first supervisor and yourself (this differs from the general doctoral agreement)

6. A signed Letter of Intent

The Steering Committee will review your dossier within one month and get back to you.


Doctoral Program in Literary Studies

Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi
University of Basel
English Department, Office 21a
Nadelberg 6
4051 Basel


Doctoral Program in Literary Studies | University of Basel | Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi | Nadelberg 6 | 4051 Basel