Sina Dell'Anno receives Faculty Prize
The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies is honored for her dissertation.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Basel awards the Prize for Humanities, donated by the L. & Th. La Roche Foundation, to Dr. Sina Dell'Anno for her dissertation "Satura – Monströses Schreiben in Antike und Aufklärung" (Satura – Monstrous Writing in Antiquity and the Enlightenment) in the field of General Literary Studies.
The Doctoral Program congratulates you, dear Sina!
In her dissertation, Sina develops a new concept of satirical writing by examining the work of Jean Paul and the ancient satirical tradition, and implements it in a series of interpretations that meet the requirements of two different philologies. Her work concretizes historically fundamental procedures of advanced and complex prose and also achieves a far-reaching reinterpretation of Jean Paul's work.
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