Shared Elements
The list below shows all referenceable elements (Shared Elements) of this easyWeb standard website. Copying and pasting one of the URLs into the content element referencing (on a page of this or another easyWeb standard website) creates the corresponding element on the web page.
- Departement Kontaktbox
- Studienadministration Kontaktbox
- DPL (the page is not translated yet)
- DPL Kontaktbox
- DPL Kontaktzeile
- Navigation DPL (the page is not translated yet)
- Germanistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Anglistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Französistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Iberoromanistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Italianistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Nordistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Osteuropa-Studien (the page is not translated yet)
- Slavistik (the page is not translated yet)
- Medienspiegel DSLW (the page is not translated yet)