
14 Sep 2023 - 16 Sep 2023
11:00  - 13:00

Maiengasse 51, Raum 105

Französisches Seminar

Congress / Conference / Symposium

International conference: Tasting Funny – Drôle de goût

A three-day international conference on humor and taste with a rich smorgasbord of contributions.

Tasting funny - Drôle de goût

Sex, cannibalism, cannon fodder and bodily functions: These are just four of the topics that will be discussed at the French Seminar's three-day conference "Tasting Funny? – Drôle de goût?" Primarily in English, with some French contributions, the conference aims to explore the relationship between humor and taste.

The conference is co-organized by DPL member Lara Nugues and is supported by the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies.

The conference program can be found at: https://slw-comicverse.dslw.unibas.ch/tastingfunny.php

Image: Nils Couturier

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